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Linalool (C10H18O)

Linalool is a monoterpene that smells like Lavender

It is a highly accepted terpene; broadly used in food, skincare, and cleaning products

Linalool has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties

Linalool terpenes directly influence brain processing by stimulating the brain cell's behavior.

It can promote relaxation and calmness

Increasingly appreciated terpenes for medicinal benefits

Bottles of Homeopathic Pills
What is Linalool?

Linalool is a monoterpene that may have an elevating effect on the body. Enriched with antibacterial, antiseptic, and antiviral properties, linalool is highly recommended for essential oils. It is found in 200+ plants (other than cannabis).


The unique aspect of linalool is the lavender scent with a punch of spice, and it is so common in our everyday life. It doesn’t matter if you consume cannabis or not; every year we end up consuming 2 grams of linalool. This may seem like a lot, but it has a significantly less adverse effect. Since it doesn’t stick in your body for long, linalool, to some extent, is risk-free and easy to digest.


Linalool has countless practical advantages, but since it is rich in antiseptic and skin permeability properties, it is globally accredited for wellness products and essential oil therapy. Linalool is gaining traction due to the following reasons: 


  • Normalize the stress level to normal conditions.

  • Alleviate skin burns without marking

  • Local anesthetic effects: much better than menthol and procaine

  • sedative, antidepressant, anxiolytic, and immune potentiating effects

Linalool Rich Cannabis Strains


Amnesia Haze


Mazar I Sharif


Scooby Snacks

OG Shark

LA Confidential

OG Shark

Dark Matter

What are Linalool properties?

Scientific studies and research on linalool highlight the potential health-related benefits, mainly when terpene is included in cannabis. They are:


  • Antimicrobial effect – Treatment of staph infection

  • Anti-anxiety treatment – promising stress buster and mood enhancing effects

  • Anti-inflammatory effect – Linalool elevates adenosine levels in the brain and minimizes cells activity.

  • Prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive problems.

Linalool in Cannabis - Risks and Side Effects

The consumption/usage of Linalool alone is risk free and doesn’t harm your body. However, Linalool can be a sensitizing element for individuals with complications and can put a patient at risk. Bear in mind, Linalool may offer recreational benefits, but it is also prone to allergens. It can cause rashes, skin burns, and other allergic reactions.

Hence, individuals with possible symptoms of eczema and psoriasis should avoid taking Linalool with cannabis.


Besides all this, evidence shows that linalool cannabis can be used to treat Alzheimer’s, memory loss, and cognitive problems. If administered properly, Linalool can save the lives of patients with severe conditions like psychosis.

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